In November 2023, Governor Andy Beshear won re-election in deep-red Kentucky by running on decency, empathy and compassion—against Mitch McConnell's protégé and millions of dollars in false attacks from five different Super PACs. The Republicans ran disgusting and outrageous ads designed to divide Kentuckians and pit neighbors against neighbors. At every turn, Andy Beshear stood his ground, didn’t waver in his beliefs and did the right thing, because he knows we are all God’s children — and we’re all in this together.
The people of Kentucky rewarded him with another term, rejecting the anger politics that have come to dominate our country. And now, Kentuckians will have four more years of leadership from a governor who cares about them and always puts them first.
Andy Beshear knows how important it is that we elect more good people — both in Kentucky and around the country — who will stand strong on our shared values and always do the right thing, even when it’s hard.
That’s why In This Together PAC will support good people and good candidates running for local, statewide and federal office in red or purple states who demonstrate a commitment to leading with empathy and compassion and the backbone to always do what’s right, regardless of politics.